Ocasio Cortez Name

Ocasio Cortez Name

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Fox News on Thursday for repeatedly saying her name incorrectly, suggesting that they do it because it 'sounds more 'stereotypically' Hispanic' and might stoke. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (born October 13, 1989) is an American activist, community organizer, and democratic-socialist politician. On June 26, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in New York's 14th congressional district, defeating the incumbent, Democratic Caucus Chair Joseph Crowley, in what has been described as the biggest upset.

  • Ocasio-Cortez graduated in 2007 with honors. Yorktown Heights is a middle to upper middle class community located in northern Westchester County. The education we received at Yorktown was excellent, we had many well funded after school programs, very good cafeteria food, access to Putnam northern Westcheser BOCES for trade school.
  • Jan 13, 2021 Ocasio-Cortez hopped on social media to provide a humbling reality check and remind the nosy Neds of Twitter to mind the business that paid them. And decided to name him after Riley & I's.

In a series of tweets Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chastised conservative pundits for repeatedly mispronouncing and suggested that they should “examine” why doing so makes her “uncomfortable in the first place.”

“‘How dare they refuse to say their name in a wrong accent & not mangle their own family name so that I can feel more comfortable instead of look inside myself & examine why something as small as *a person’s name* makes me uncomfortable in the first place?? This is an outrage!'” Ocasio-Cortez said.

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“Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as ‘Cortez,’ which I can only imagine is bc that sounds more ‘stereotypically’ Hispanic + probably incites more ‘anxiety’ for them,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a followup tweet.


“My last name is Ocasio-Cortez. Full stop. That’s my name. No, you can’t say ‘Cortez.’” she said in another tweet. “I’ve never used that in my life. ‘Cortez’ is referring to someone else. Even if they’re trying to be rude + wrong, my dad’s last name was Ocasio anyway.”

By the way: Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as “Cortez,” which I can only imagine is bc that sounds more ‘stereotypically’ Hispanic + probably incites more ‘anxiety’ for them.

Pro Tip:
My last name is not “Cortez,” just as theirs isn’t “Ingra” or “Carl” or “Hann.”

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 21, 2019

Ocasio Cortez Twitter

The freshman congresswoman was responding to a HuffPost report that claimed Fox News host Laura Ingraham and a guest on her show mocked Ocasio-Cortez for the way she pronounced her name.

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During the program, Ingraham asked attorney Joe diGenova if he had observed that Ocasio-Cortez takes on “that Obama, Obama put on accents” when she introduces herself.

“She does the Latina thing where she does her, you know, ’Anastasio Ocasio-Cortez,’” diGenova said at one point during the segment.

If by ‘the Latina thing,’ she means I actually do the work instead of just talk about it, then yeah, I’m doing ‘the Latina thing.’

Unless of course she‘s talking about being multilingual, which we know isn’t a ‘Latina thing.’

Alexandria ocasio-cortez twitch name

Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Husband

It’s a ‘21st century’ thing.https://t.co/v41dAyjshP

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 21, 2019

Many liberals and Ocasio-Cortez supporters have accused the right of being “obsessed” with the congresswoman. Meanwhile, conservatives have countered by saying that it’s mainstream media outlets that are obsessed with the rising political star, and their commentary is simply a reaction to that phenomenon.

Time Magazine announced Thursday morning that Ocasio-Cortez will appear on the cover of its April 1 edition.

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Cover image:

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Twitter

What College Did AOC Attend?

In 2007, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enrolled at Boston University in the College of Arts and Sciences. She took on a double major and successfully graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree.

What Degree Does AOC Have?

AOC’s double major earned her a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Relations and Economics from Boston University. She excelled at school and graduated Cum Laude.

Was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Sorority? If So, Which One?

No. Despite the many Greek organizations at Boston University, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not join any Sorority while enrolled in school.

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