Poker Username Ideas

Need a cool name for poker league? Its being held in a luxury apartment on level 48 and is following a premier league style format. I am looking to provide a game of high quality.Any ideas? Not a funny poker username, but a funny PokerStars image imo. Just a white background with black text that reads: 'insert ugly baby picture here' 1 2 3 Last.

Okay so i was playing a poker tourney and I open the lobby and the first name on the list was 2donks1cup lol that made me laugh. Its a spoof of the the disgusting internet video 2girls one cup. Please be advised unless u have a strong stomach dont watch that video lol what are some other funny po. That means you’d better give some serious thought to your choice right now because you’re going to have to live with it throughout your whole poker career. For example, many Liverpool F.C. Fans in 2010 decided that variations on ‘TorresLFC’ were a good idea. They must be regretting that now almost as much as poor old ‘TorresCFC’ is.

It doesn’t matter what you do online these days, you’ll need a username for whatever you do. That online shopping site where you buy all the cutest dresses? You’ll need a username for that too. You’ll need a username for Twitter and other social media platforms. Online accounts for everything require a username and password of some description. In some cases, it might be your email address, but in those times when you are expected to come up with your own, that isn’t something easy for you to remember, such as an email address, getting the right right username is all hard work.


  • 1 Funny Usernames: Find Right Name For You
  • 2 Funny Usernames Boys Use:

Funny Usernames: Find Right Name For You

Instead of adding a dozen letters to the end of the name scribbled on your birth certificate, you might as well think of a funny username. So here we come up to make things easier for you…

  1. not_JK_Rowling – you could add any name you liked into this clever and funny username. We’ve gone for the traditional writer/author, but you could also pick a sportsman or woman, a reality TV celebrity, a hairdresser, whoever you liked really. Keep reading to find a few more funny usernames that you could use in a similar fashion …
  2. definitely_not_an_athlete
  3. not_quite_a_celebrity
  4. not_the_official_luke_hemsworth
  5. morgan_freeman_but_not
  6. patrick_not_swayze
  7. what_would_Kate_do – this is a great way of incorporating your first name. Just remember to use the username tips above to ensure you aren’t giving away too much information.
  8. my_name_is_Kate
  9. kate_the_gamer – or author/chef/artist/etc.
  10. kate_the_great — find a word that rhymes with your name (or sounds like your name) and get creative! We’ve included a few more ideas:
  11. phil_me_up
  12. the_names_bond_jane_bond
  13. hit_the_jack_pott
  14. over_the_lorraine_bow – like “Over the Rainbow” but with a twist.
  15. mr_teacher_man – this is a great way to show off your profession without giving away too much information that you then put yourself at risk.
  16. the_nameless_artist
  17. mechanic_mike
  18. andy_the_aircon_guy
  19. man_with_no_name
  20. cheeseburger_chris – what’s your favourite food? There are so many ways that you could play these funny usernames!
  21. chicken_al_fred_o – just in case your name is Fred.
  22. grahams_crackers
  23. bill_the_bbq_king
  24. not_enough_coffee
  25. andy_alfredo
  26. jimmy_not_choo
  27. just_add_cream
  28. milk_two_sugars
  29. searching_for_the_perfect_cup_of_tea
  30. tell_starbucks_my_name_is_Dave – this would be a funny and memorable username for a dating profile/site. #justsaying
  31. Buttercakes_babe
  32. cheryl_cakemaker
  33. Candyhearts
  34. just_a_fish_in_a_barrel – talking of dating sites, this one is perfect for a funny username!
  35. swipe_right_for_me
  36. i_killed_cupid
  37. grab_your_coat
  38. one_more_pint
  39. dont_friendzone_me
  40. mines_a_cosmopolitan
  41. just_another_single_guy – or girl.
  42. someone_else_took_my_regular_username
  43. my_other_username_was_taken
  44. unoriginal_username
  45. another_rubbish_username
  46. i_cant_think_of_a_better_username
  47. username_mark_two – replace ‘username’ with your regular username, obviously.
  48. this_username_is_garbage
  49. pick_my_new_username
  50. username_envy
Funny usernames are better than boring, basic ones. When your real name is already taken on social media or a gaming system, it’s tough to figure out what you’re going to insert as your username. Instead of adding a dozen letters to the end of the name scribbled right on your birth certificate, you might as well think of a funny username. Something that will make your friends really laugh aloud and will make strangers want to get to know you better. So here are some of the funniest usernames (that hopefully aren’t taken yet). Borrow them and see how many friend requests come up pouring in.
  1. in_jail_out_soon
  2. desperate_enuf
  3. herpes_free_since_03
  4. kiss-my-axe
  5. king_0f_dairy_queen
  6. dildo_swaggins
  7. shaquille_oatmeal
  8. ask_yo_girl_about_me
  9. hanging_with_my_gnomies
  10. big_mamas_house
  11. hugs_for_drugs
  12. bill_nye_the_russian_spy
  13. hoosier_daddy
  14. intelligent_zombie
  15. hugo_balls
  16. stinky_pinky
  17. fast_and_the_curious
  18. bad_karma
  19. tea_baggins
  20. average_student
  21. protect_ya_neck
  22. sloppy_wet
  23. matthew_high_damage
  24. imma_rage_quit
  25. xbox_sign_out
  26. magic_fetus
  27. butt_smasher
  28. mama_karma
  29. google_was_my_idea
  30. i_was_a_mistake
  31. sold_mom_for_rp
  32. dusty_bawls
  33. zero_deaths
  34. better_than_you
  35. do_not_leave_me
  36. date_me
  37. uncommon_name
  38. name_not_important
  39. image_not_uploaded
  40. i_boop_ur_nose
  41. Audacity
  42. JackSparrow
  43. RuthlessSlayer
  44. InfernalHeir
  45. TheSilentBang
  46. DarkLord
  47. NoTolerance
  48. unfriend_now
  49. im_watching_you
  50. whos_ur_buddha
  51. cute_as_ducks
  52. prince_charming
  53. godfather_part_4
  54. oprah_wind_fury
  55. google_me_now
  56. thot_patrol
  57. suck_my_popsicle
  58. how_you_doing
  59. mother_of_dragons
  60. epic_fail
  61. tin_foil_hat
  62. yes_u_suck
  63. casanova
  64. say_my_name
  65. sinking_swimmer
  66. banana_hammock
  67. crazy_cat_lady
  68. me_for_president
  69. cowgirl_up
  70. real_name_hidden
  71. anonymouse
  72. 12Nuns
  73. AHungryPolarBear
  74. aDistraction
  75. XBoxShutDown
  76. RollingBarrelz
  77. Something
  78. AllGoodNamesRGone
  79. not_james_bond
  80. itchy_and_scratchy
  81. dumbest_man_alive
  82. bros_before_hoes
  83. laugh_till_u_pee
  84. hairy_poppins
  85. rambo_was_real
  86. regina_phalange
  87. fedora_the_explorer
  88. i_can_see_your_pixels
  89. unfinished_sentenc
  90. a_collection_of_cells
  91. OP_rah
  92. well_endowed
  93. my_anaconda_does
  94. hey_you
  95. pluralizes_everythings
  96. test_name_please_ignore

Funny Usernames Boys Use:

When your real name is already taken on social media or a gaming system, it’s tough to figure out what you’re going to insert as your username suggests, so here is what you need…

If you were looking for some unique usernames for girls, then you are in luck: we have a list of 100 of the best, unique names for girls just for, we have the beast ones waiting right in front of you..

Wierd Nicknames Girls Use:

If you like to keep wierd nicknames in your list and you don’t know from where will you find them then please do check down below to get the best of it.

Funny Gamertags

For funny gamertags, a great way to come up with ideas, especially if you are too much into shooting games, is to think of what your gamertag will say in the kill feed.

  1. Type2Diabetes – Is that better or worse than type 1?
  2. Yellow Snowman – Depending on the size of the snowman, that’s potentially a lot of pee.
  3. FartinLutherKing – He thought for our right for farts to be heard.
  4. I have a large sock – Please, keep it far away from us.
  5. Milf n cookies – What could be tastier than that?
  6. WestboroFaptist – Sounds like someone who touches themselves at church.
  7. IRTEHBEST – Maybe, but you definitely can’t spell very well.
  8. SumDumFuk – Did they spell that all by themselves?
  9. SLUTB6NGER66 – They’ve got high standards.
  10. InfantFister69 – Oh lord.
  11. Fistersister – Let’s just hope it’s his step-sister.
  12. fisting grannies – This gamer is definitely a gerontophile.
  13. FistMeSis – Leave your sister alone!
  14. Fisting Sloth – Animal abuse?
  15. Livingabortion – Aren’t we all?
  16. Floatyturd – It’s happened to all of us, right?
  17. Pooponmyballs – Your poop or someone else’s?
  18. PoopFinger – They haven’t quite mastered using toilet roll yet.
  19. Parts – And Pvt. they shall remain.
  20. Whackingit – It’s hard to play with just one hand.
  21. sum az whole – Most likely yes you are.
  22. A55 Kicken Chicken – Now that’s one badass chicken.
  23. HorseScrotom – It’s most likely bigger than yours.
  24. Sausage – Who doesn’t like a nice good sausage?
  25. hairy sausage – A shave every so often is appreciated.
  26. Your Mother – Cue the yo mama jokes!
  27. Count Asscrackula – He wants to suck your… erm… behind place…
  28. Happy Uncle – More like creepy
  29. Dr Cocktopus – Does that mean he has eight of them? Poor soul.
  30. PullOutDad – He should have so we wouldn’t have had to have dealt with you!
  31. I Eated a Soup – Do tell us more.
  32. REVEREND TOAST – That’s one crispy priest.
  33. Rev Fondlechild – It was very hard for him to find acceptance in the priesthood… or maybe it was very easy.
  34. ButtCabbage – Is that where cabbage comes from?
  35. Itchy Bits – Maybe you need to see a doctor?
  36. Jerkoff – You can become a doctor in that?
  37. A side of Ham – Compliments any good meal!
  38. AirIsWindy – And water is wet.
  39. A Confused shoe – How does it play? Does it have opposable thumbs?
  40. Toiletpaperman – A savior when you’re stuck on the toilet seat without any roll!
  41. MOMS SPAGHETTI – Vomit on his sweater already.
  42. Milfhunter – Any luck?
  43. xXyoloswag4jesusXx – Yes, yes, Jesus desperately needs your swag.
  44. LilChubby – Arousing.
  45. GaryBuseysteeth – His most defining feature.
  46. OuchHardFart – Careful, something may come out if you do that too hard.
  47. CourtesyFlush – It’s always welcomed.
  48. Thermostat – When running low on inspiration, why not just name yourself after random objects in the room?
  49. WookiesrPpl2 – And they demand rights!
  50. LtDansLegs – In reference to the film Forrest Gump.
  51. ThePopesLube – Has he got his own brand?
  52. WINDOWCLEANer – Make those windows sparkle!
  53. SwishyMcJackass – Not an ounce of intelligence here.
  54. Pwn_Dolphins_Drink_Beer – A way of life envied by many.
  55. I_Like_Cheese – You have fine tastes.
  56. Burrito – Why not just name yourself after your favorite food?
  57. An18inchDildo – That just sounds painful.
  58. BeerAndCookies – After a long day at work beer and cookies are all you need.
  59. I_Be-B1azin – You be easy to kill.
  60. WEED_IS_FOR_LOSERS – Is that what your mom told you?
  61. xBongsmoker420x – You’re not as cool as you think you are.
  62. Bongsta – Bongo drums are an excellent instrument to take up.
  63. Gongsta – Speech impediment by any chance?
  64. Teriyaki Bukake – Not even going to go there.
  65. CollateralDamage – Don’t get in the way of this player, you won’t last long.
  66. TheSickness – They’ll infect you!
  67. Shoot2Kill – This player only doesn’t lift his gun unless he plans to kill someone.
  68. Overkill – When this player starts there’s no stopping them.
  69. Killspree – They’re never happy with just one or two kills, they need to kill everybody!
  70. MindlessKilling – Killing comes completely naturally to this player.
  71. Born2Kill – It’s what this player does best.
  72. TheZodiac – After the infamous Zodiac killer.
  73. ZodiacKiller – Same as the above.
  74. BrosephStalin – The king of bros.
  75. Ichyb3ll – If there’s a rash, go see a doctor.
  76. Six nippled yehti – A rare specimen.
  77. GassyJalapeno – Spicy and smelly.
  78. TwoTugTonyTheFapMaster – Two tugs and he’s finished.
  79. Bad Grandpa – In reference to the film of the same name.
  80. ForcefulGrandpa – Bringing back fond childhood memories.
  81. PleasenoDad – A cry for help?
  82. Beefstrokemeoff – Coming off a little desperate?
  83. Boobguy45 – What do you think are the chances this gamer has ever seen a real pair of boobs?
  84. VulvaViolator – Women, steer clear of this creep!
  85. BodySnatcher – Prepare to get mutilated.
  86. TheButcher – Another great name for a player who prefers to use knives.
  87. meat cleaver – Their weapon of choice.
  88. ChopChop – One slice is never enough.
  89. ChopSuey – After the song by System Of A Down.
  90. TheZealot – For a player, you can’t compromise with.
  91. VagaBond – For a player who’s not found of teams.
  92. GayZebrasUnite – Together you are stronger!
  93. My Ball Sack – What about it?
  94. Barry Hallsacks – Barry, get your sacks out of the hall!
  95. I Lick Hobos – And they’ll probably let you pay them to do it.
  96. Freeponyride – The best things in life are free.
  97. Cancer – You were killed by…
  98. IAbuseMyFish – Serial killer in the making?
  99. DadsButtjuice – Goes well with a slice of lime.
  100. A Harmless Cupcake – Just adorable.
  101. a giant 8llllllD – More like a giant eight-year-old.
  102. ATastySandwich – The cure for all ills.
  103. WifeTookMyDog – Oh go and cry about it somewhere else.
  104. The US Debt – This is no laughing matter.
  105. Abs of flab – Shouldn’t that be ‘rolls of flab’?
  106. some hippies – Most likely hasn’t had a shower in months.
  107. TwoOreosOneCup – A lot nicer sounding than the original.
  108. chimp magnet – Wordplay on ‘chick magnet.’
  109. StrangerDanger – This Gamertag just screams ‘trust me.’
  110. a better player – You were killed by…
  111. Chris_P_Bacon – A legendary gamertag.
  112. TuckingFypo – Swap the ‘T’ and the ‘F.’
  113. An L Shaped Tetris Block – Your best friend or your worst enemy.
  114. Osama_Been_Laggin – The connection always starts lagging when they start playing.
  115. PeekaBooOsamaSeeU – Is he still out there?
  116. About 37 cats – That’s a lot of brain power.
  117. Moistgranny69 – We’ve got another gerontophile over here!
  118. Count Swagula – Absolutely swagalicious.
  119. Turdinator – Eliminating turds one day at a time.
  120. RektalBead – This gamer has been to some dark places.
  121. Pulloutfailure – And now you’re going to be a father! Congratulations!
  122. Facefart – That’s how you get pinkeye.
  123. Syphilis – Perhaps the coolest sounding of all the STIs?
  124. StankFartass – Please, open a damn window!
  125. Sh3Wuz18 – Well, that’s not what they said in court.
  126. BedBathNurMom – Wordplay on Bed Bath & Beyond.
  127. A CARDBOARDBOX – Most likely where they live.


Tommy Angelo

If you get a kick out of poker nicknames, this article is for you. If you enjoy the whimsy, transience, and candor of our peer-given monikers, then read on.

If, on the other hand, you find names such as Uncle Stinker and Vinnie Beans to be neither amusing nor intriguing, then you might as well keep on clicking, because right now you’re in a name-lover’s playground.

How do I know I’m not the only nickname fan?

What happened was, I was writing a poker story, and I needed a couple good nicknames. Typically I look forward to that kind of work. An opportunity to fill in a couple blanks with something fun.

Then it hit me. My current plan is to write novels, and these novels will no doubt have poker players in there. I will be filling in nickname blanks for years.

So I decided to tap into a writing resource even greater than Google — my newsletter readers. Sure, I can get facts and instruction from the internet. But not reams of fresh, free, funny grist for my writing mill. I asked my faithful to send me their favorite poker nicknames, and what I got back took two full days to process, laughing the whole time.

The Tigress / Dead Money / F-bomb / Mumbles

Most of the names I received are actual nicknames of actual people. And some contributors rattled off a slew of people in their home game or from their casino. So don’t be too shocked if you see your nickname in the word cloud.

Mudslide / Ace Hole / Trapper John / The Counselor

When I asked for names, I wasn’t planning an article. I was just going to stash them in a file and access as needed until my inkwell went dry. But when I read through the 250 names — many with explanations and backstories ranging from a few words to a few paragraphs — I had urges. Urges to share. This is too good to hog.

Billington Fold Factory / Mike the Hat / Hurricane Chan

My collection does not include internet screen names, though I did receive some hilarious observations about what happens when screen names get real.

A READER WROTE: “At my first live poker events, I always found it entertaining to exchange screen names with people. Nothing like a person having to tell you his name is ‘StickItInYourAce69’ or whatever. Also funny is when people with those names win WCOOP events and PokerStars has to promote them.

Nicknames by Category

I spotted six. For example, several people have been named after their card protectors, and The Bobs earned a category by force of numbers, with Drywall Bob, Bald Bob, Silent Bob, Pancake Bob, Sideshow Bob, and DCMB, also known as Don’t Call Me Bob, and I’m not making this up.

Four more categories:


Poker Username Ideas Party

  • Tiny (described as “not tiny”)
  • Genius (described as “pretty much wrong about everything”)
  • Sat Nav (bad with directions)
  • Sunshine

A READER WROTE: “My best friend started calling me ‘Sunshine’ because he said I’d get to the game and everyone was having fun and cracking jokes and I’d suck the sunshine out of the room, by being so miserable. Eventually that nickname disappeared and I asked him why. He said he couldn’t call me Sunshine anymore because I had my shit together now and I was too happy.”


  • Shiv
  • Stiletto
  • Tank
  • Hammer
  • Sniper
  • Alex Two Guns (likes to bet with both hands full of chips)


  • King Salmon
  • California Condor
  • Rutting Rhino
  • Squirrel (has the nuts)
  • Catfish (bottom feeder)
  • Weasel (obvious)

Poker Username Ideas Pinterest


  • Flip-Flop and Piles (described as “a famous poker duo”)
  • Rock and Roll (twin brothers, one is a nit and the other has deep pockets)
  • Big and Little (as in, blinds) — a married couple who always sit next to each other, with him (“Big”) on the left and her (“Little”) on the right

A Writing Game

Some names have guessable origins, like Parking Lot Larry who slept in his car, and Hundred Dollar Mike who never bought in for more, and Too Tan who was, duh, too tanned.

But sometimes the obvious names are anything but. Einstein, for example. Why would a poker player be given that name? For being smart? Or not smart? Guess again…

A READER WROTE: “A number of years ago, my brother worked for a tech company called EMC. He gave me a hat with their logo on it, which is the letters EMC and a superscript 2. When I wore that hat at the poker table, my opponents called me ‘Einstein.’ Hah!”

Here’s a writing game I’ve been playing. There’s no typing. Just thinking. I look at one of the more colorful names, and I start asking questions: Who is this person? And how did they earn this name?

Really it’s just a natural compulsion brought on by the names themselves. Like the nickname Rug Doctor. See? Already your mind is concocting stories! Here are a few more good names for this game — Charlie Tuna, Rain Man, Dahmer.

To Be Named a Player

It’s a great feeling to be nicknamed. It says, “I am here, and I can prove it. Somebody cared enough about me to make up a name, just for me. I admit I would have been happier with something more flattering than ‘Unlimited Calling Plan,’ but hey, at least my existence has been validated.”

I’ve had my share of nicknames over the years, a function of playing a lot and talking a lot. One time I asked the waitress to bring me a glass of milk, and that generated some mocking banter. Then I flopped a monster and slow played it, as in, milked it, and for the rest of the night a couple guys called me Milk.

But ever since I disengaged at the table and started playing mum poker, I’ve become the nameless type. Which made this quote my favorite of the batch:

A READER WROTE: “I never got a nickname because someone taught me about mum poker so I stayed quiet and made no friends.”

I propose a toast. Okay, several toasts. First, to those who gave me my list. And then, to all of us. The named, and the nameless. And let us also raise our glasses to the name makers. The givers of truth, beauty, and names like Mike the Hat. Really? What the heck kind of name is that? But I love it! Okay, where were we…?

To the writer that lives in all of us.

::: clink :::


Poker Nickname Ideas



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