Tunnel Slot Escalante

Zebra Canyon
& Tunnel Slot

Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument


A reasonable easy hike to two great slot canyons the entire family can enjoy. Zebra Canyon is a photographers delight with it's unique white and pink stripes, while Tunnel Slot is a fun introduction to your typical Colorado Plateau slot canyon. Visiting both of these slots makes a nice day for your typical hiking family.

Circle of Friends:
Zebra Canyon and Tunnel Slot are part of the 'Circle of Friends' program. Members of the 'Circle of Friends' have access to more specific information, explicit route information, GPS waypoints, trailhead location and detailed maps. If you would like more information on joining the 'Circle of Friends' visit the sign up page.

  1. Pictures of Harris Wash, Escalante River, Utah: The upstream end of Tunnel Slot.
  2. Today we planned to hike to a couple of popular and short slot canyons known as Zebra and Tunnel. Jared and I had actually planned on hiking to these two slot canyons back in 2010 when we were in the area for our first October trip to southern Utah together, however we were chased away by heavy rain and flash flooding that week, so we never did.

Trail To Tunnelslot, located near Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah is a 2.0 mile hiking, trail running and walking trail with a top elevation of 5244 feet. Explore more in our professional, high quality trail guides and outdoor reviews. Zebra and Tunnel Slots are reached via a 7.8 mile drive down Hole-in-the-Rock Road from highway 12. At 7.8 miles, you will come to a cattle guard crossing over the road. There is no signage, but just pull off into the parking lot on the side of the road. From here you will cross the road and follow the trail on the other side.

'Circle of Friends'

General Information:
Zebra Canyon and Tunnel Slot are awesome slot canyons easily accessible to most hikers and photographers. The route is suitable for beginning hikers. Fall and spring are the preferred seasons to do this route. This route is rated 1A II using the Canyon Rating System. Good map reading skills and a GPS are helpful, but not required. These canyons have a mild flashflood danger, check the local weather before entering these slot canyons.


Tunnel Slot Canyon Escalante

Trailhead Information:
The trailhead is accessible to all vehicles in normal weather conditions. A vehicle shuttle is not required to complete this route.

Take Only Pictures and leave only footprints

Tunnel Slot Canyon Escalante

Enjoy a short entertaining video of a trip through both Tunnel and Zebra slot canyons. Video provided by of Duane Ingersoll.

Nothing beats a little family fun in Zebra Slot Canyon. Video provided by of Dan Burt.

Tunnel Slot Escalante

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